BRAVO MANJU – SIRGUN SRIVASTAV – SUMMARY © KUSUM MANJESHRI In the world all creatures having their qualities. All children are special. Sirgun Srivastav is an Indian writer who has written many inspirational stories for children. ‘Bravo Manju’ is one of the best stories of Sirgun. Manju was a handicapped girl. She was full of skills. She is profoundly skilled in painting. Her mother and brother love her painting. They want to see her happy. Her mother wants to give all the costly equipment and instruments for his work of painting. But, they were not so rich to fulfill her all wishes. Manju’s father becomes happy to see her painting but he said that it all is useless works. He advised that she should learn household works like cooking or knitting, etc. Manju obeyed her father and decided to end this interest in painting. Her brother informed her about a painting competition at school. He wanted that she should join it. But she first denied and later when she attempt aft...